Calculate Cost for Replacement Window
To calculate the approximate cost for your window replacement project use a formula based on United Inches. Use this formula to calculate the approximate price for any size of window in your home.
United Inches = Width + Height (of window)
Once you have figured out the United Inches of the window multiply by 10.
e.g. Width + Height x 10 = Window Cost
It's important to keep in mind that the calculation (above) is for approximating prices. Because each project is unique it is impossible to quote exact prices as some jobs may entail more labour which would affect the cost.
We offer free in-home consultations where we can inspect the windows needing replaced and provide you with an accurate no-obligation quote.
Companies that quote a low, flat rate for window cost, typically are using small window sizes for the example given. You'll discover quality efficient windows with low quotes will be close in price to the United Inches calculation once measured.